SGA Records

Kunal Mehan Undergraduate Vice President of Information Technology
Elizabeth Cleary Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Samantak Ray Undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering Representative
Amanda Schaefer Undergraduate Chemical and Biomolecular Representative
James Kepner Undergraduate Econ Rep
Darryl Terry II Undergraduate Speaker of the House (Do Not Select)
Brian Castro Undergraduate Architecture Representative
Dillon Roseen Undergraduate Undergraduate Student Body President
Evan Long Undergraduate International Affairs Representative
Kate Bosen Undergraduate Music Representative
Gabrielle Lonsberry Undergraduate Undergraduate SGA President
Britney Danielle Lewis Undergraduate Biology Representative
Jennifer Kurkowski Undergraduate Junior Rep
Katie Neil Undergraduate Modern Languages Representative
AJ Joshi Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Yagna Angirish Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Rep
Matthew Mosgrove Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
Macon Magee Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Representative
Michael Bonifacio Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Rep
Hans Webster Undergraduate Physics Representative
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |

Page 17 of 61, showing 20 records out of 1201 total, starting on record 321, ending on 340