SGA Records

Mihir Kandarpa Undergraduate Industrial and Systems Engineering
Matthew So Undergraduate Mathematics
Mathew Samuel Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Mary Shoemaker Undergraduate Vice President of External Affairs
Maggie Dinizio Undergraduate EAS Representative
Michael Piseno Undergraduate Senior Class
Meghan Green Undergraduate
Manali Patel Undergraduate International Representative
Mashoor Al Ahammed Undergraduate Biology
Michael Ehmann Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
McKenzie Elliott Undergraduate Sophomore Class Representative
Mason Favro Undergraduate Economics
Mridhula Maheswaran Undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engieering
Manali Patel Undergraduate International Students
Marissa "Missy" Pittard Undergraduate Sophomore Class Representative
Michael Cummings Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Representative
Michael Ozeryansky Undergraduate IT Specialist
Morgan McLeroy Undergraduate Material Science Engineering Representative
Mala Morjaria Undergraduate ISyE Representative
Madhumita Baskaran Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
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Page 3 of 7, showing 20 records out of 122 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60